Automatic Moisture Control at the Batch Mixer FRS-M

For all methods of automatic water dosing at batch mixers applies the requirement that the full amount of the necessary water is added when the mixing process commences.

Only then a high degree of prepared sand quality is achieved.

For more detailed information on our Automatic Moisture Control at the Batch Mixer FRS-M , please refer to our information brochures:
Automatic Moisture Control FRS-M
Capacitive moisture measurement on batch mixers
Flow diagram FRS-M with SPC III
Flow diagram FRS-M with SPC II / SPC IV
Questionnaire Formsandmanagement

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  • Example

Example of an  Automatic Moisture Control at the Batch Mixer FRS-M

Capacitive Sensor

SC 7100 wedge-shaped

Pt 100 Sensors

TF 6 - 100
TF 6 - 200