Automatic Used Sand Pre-Moisturising FRS-A

Automatic pre-moisturising of the used sand is a valuable application in sand preparation and it is recommended to start pre-moisturising directly after the separation of casting and sand in order to prevent drying out of the moulding material.

For every sand plant a special schedule is developed, meeting the requirements at site.

After moisturising the sand should be thoroughly mixed in order to achieve still better water distribution and cooling. This is often possible with rather simple equipment or with motor-driven beaters. Another solution, preferred by us, is the installation of the water nozzles directly above a belt transfer point. The water is fed into the falling sand flow resulting in better water distribution and, when the sand drops onto the next conveyor belt, the degree of mixing is already sufficient.

Automatic Used Sand Pre-Moisturising FRS-A

motor-driven beaters

Automatic Used Sand Pre-Moisturising FRS-A

water nozzles directly above a belt transfer point

Automatic Used Sand Pre-Moisturising FRS-A


For more detailed information on our Automatic Used Sand Pre-Moisturising FRS-A please refer to our information brochures:
Conveyor Belt Scale

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  • Example

Example of an  Automatic Used Sand Pre-Moisturising FRS-A line

Capacitive Sensor

SC 7100 wedge-shaped

Pt 100 Sensors

TF 6 - 100
TF 6 - 200